

The Chinese program prepares students to communicate and interact in Chinese-speaking cultures and communities, and focuses on geographic and cultural awareness as well as language learning. W&J students who minor in Chinese can expect to reach the intermediate or advanced level in Mandarin by their junior year, 并且必须修完至少一门高级语言课程才能毕业. 与其他学科相结合, knowledge of the world’s most-spoken language opens myriad opportunities for our students.

查看课程和更多信息 W&J College Catalog.


Our Mission

The mission of the Department of Modern Languages is to impart to all W&J students the skills, knowledge, and qualities necessary to communicate and interact in culturally appropriate ways with speakers of languages other than their own. 现代语言系是, therefore, a key component of a liberal arts education and serves the mission of the College by preparing students to become observant, responsive, and knowledgeable actors in our increasingly multicultural and global society.

Beyond the Classroom

The Department of Modern Languages offers numerous opportunities for students in language programs to study abroad, building on what they learn in the classroom with a greater understanding of and appreciation for the way speakers use the language in their daily lives.

Students can spend a semester in the Chinese cities of Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Qingdao. 他们也可以利用夏天 Magellan projects 或者申请富布赖特项目到台湾任教. Finally, there are opportunities to conduct field research in China paid for by the 4-year implementation of a Luce Foundation grant.

Chinese Faculty

Chinese Events

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